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The built-in battery charger charges the battery while connected with the tow vehicle. The system as a whole includes a break away switch, cable, and three Expert Reply: Since the red light comes on with your Hopkins Engager Push-To-Test Trailer Breakaway Kit w/ Built-In Charger # 20099 it The box includes a built-in battery charger, so the battery will be kept fully charged whenever the trailer is connected to the tow vehicle. Your vehicle will This particular kit also includes a 12-volt battery charger. To keep the battery well-protected from the elements and tampering, this Soft-Trac 1 breakaway kit Trailer break-away kit features an LED test meter to show charge state of emergency battery. A legal requirement in most states for towing trailers withThe Engager Breakaway System features a clamshell-style battery box with built-in battery meter to verify battery charge. For use on 1 or 2 axle trailers. The Engager Breakaway System features a clamshell-style battery box with built-in battery meter to verify battery charge. For use on 1 or 2 axle trailers. pushed, the battery charge is low. Connect the trailer plug to the tow vehicle so the. Break-Away Kit can charge from the vehicle's battery (This can only
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