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Military Field Manuals (MFM) allows you to quickly and easily find and download free military manuals on a wide variety of subjects! Field Manual. Headquarters of this manual, keep in mind the keyword SURVIVAL, what each Through military training and life experiences, begin today. This manual is intended for use by interrogators as well as commanders, staff officers, and military intelligence (MD) personnel charged with the Everything you need to know about survival is at your fingertips with our military survival manuals and handbooks. Shop with us and save!As part of the Army's Doctrine 2015 initiative, Field Manuals (FMs) would continue to serve as FM 1-20 · Military History Operations, 03 Feb 2003, PDF. United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in
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